
Walking in the Dark: we need representation to improve infrastructure in Eastern Coachella Valley

May 27, 2020 / By

By Rosa González Andrade My community is beautiful. The people from the Eastern Coachella Valley  (ECV) are comforting and kind.


Incendiario Basurero en Thermal da Como Resultado Calidad de Aire Peligroso

October 24, 2019 / By

By Coachella Unincorporated El incendiario basurero en la Avenida 66 y Polk Street en Thermal, Calif.

Community Blog

A Letter To Mi Gente

January 20, 2017 / By

To mi gente, Never did I ever believe we’d be in this situation again. But bigotry has made a stronger comeback than before, rising up and reclaiming all the progress we’ve made.

En Español

Incendiario Basurero en Thermal da Como Resultado Calidad de Aire Peligroso

October 24, 2019 / By

By Coachella Unincorporated El incendiario basurero en la Avenida 66 y Polk Street en Thermal, Calif.