To mi gente,
Never did I ever believe we’d be in this situation again. But bigotry has made a stronger comeback than before, rising up and reclaiming all the progress we’ve made.
Day 2
“Waking up in Iowa this morning was a surreal experience. I was excited for today because I knew I would find out which candidate’s campaign I would be working with for the rest of the weekend.
Editor’s Note: With the Iowa caucus just weeks away, Coachella Uninc. youth reporters Karla Martinez and Naomi Carrion traveled to Iowa to join groups of students from Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington D.C.
JOHNNY FLORES / Coachella Unincorporated
The word ‘first’ continuously surrounded me during this past year.
For starters the University of Southern California has always been my first choice of college, and that’s where I’ll be heading this fall.