On Saturday, April 25, 2015, 24 bands came together to perform at The Hue Music and Art Festival at Dateland Park in Coachella Calif.
BRYAN MENDEZ / Coachella Unincorporated
COACHELLA — Now in its fourth year, The Hue Music and Arts Festival has grown to become a highly anticipated event featuring local musicians and artists.
On Saturday, April 25, 2015, more than 20 musicians and artists came together for the all-day event that took over Dateland park in Coachella. This year, there was also a cultural arts booth and an art installation, built by students from the Land Use Planning Awareness (LUPA) project, that highlighted social justice issues in the eastern Coachella Valley.
Every year, The Hue is planned and executed by the Hue Music & Arts Committee, a group of young people who meet regularly in months prior to the event to hone their leadership and organizing skills. The festival is sponsored by Building Healthy Communities, the City of Coachella, Regional Access Project, and Golden Voice.