Editor’s Note: Getting up in the morning can be tough, especially after sleeping in all summer or after taking a few days off from work. Creating a morning routine can help you become more successful throughout each day. Even though becoming a morning person may be difficult, it is certainly not impossible. Here are my recommendations for creating a morning routine so you can go to work or school with pep in your step.
- Don’t hit the snooze button. Challenge yourself to get up as soon as your alarm goes off. It may be tempting to hit the snooze button once or twice but it won’t feel as good later when you’re rushing out the door. Maximize your morning by putting the time you spent snoozing into getting your day started.
- Take a break from social media & emails: Social media has become such a part of our everyday lives that we start scrolling through Facebook and Instagram from the moment we wake up. You’ll make your morning less hectic by waiting until later to catch up on social media and emails. Instead appreciate the sun rays, the birds chirping or the rumble of cars driving by. Your brain will thank you for it.
- Hydrate. We all need to stay hydrated. Reaching for a tall glass of water first thing in the morning can help! If you’re getting used to the taste of plain water, infuse it with some fresh lemon. The coffee, tea or juice can wait until breakfast time. Getting into this habit will help you keep reaching for water throughout the day.
- Stretch. Not everyone has the time or energy to do a full workout in the morning. Instead take a few minutes to do some light stretches. This will help you stay limber and you’ll also be able to identify any changes in your body much easier. There are plenty of videos you can follow along with on YouTube.
- Check in with yourself. Checking in with yourself should be as important (or more important) as checking on Instagram. Whether you jot it down in your journal or on your phone, make sure to take time to reflect on how you’re feeling and what you could do to keep the good vibes flowing all day long.
- Nourish yourself. You’ve heard it a million times before but breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skip the drive thru or processed food options by preparing a breakfast that is jam packed with all the vitamins and minerals you need to stay focused.
- Set intentions for the day. Often our days are busy and completing our list of tasks can seem daunting. Put your day into perspective by setting intentions for the day and jotting down your priorities. It is helpful to set realistic intentions. Setting intentions that you won’t be able to complete will just leave you feeling frazzled and overwhelmed.
- Amp up the tempo slowly. Try to start off your morning by listening to relaxing music and transition into pumped up songs later in the morning. This will help you be more present and ease into your morning more comfortably.
- Make sure you’re prepared for the day. Have a presentation at school or work? Make sure you have all the materials and tools you need before you head out the door and you’ll be prepared for whatever comes your way.
10. Prep snacks for the day. Being hungry is no fun, especially when you have plenty of tasks that require your attention. Make sure you have healthy on-the-go snacks such as baby carrots, chopped fruit or some nuts, like almonds or sunflower seeds, ready. These will help keep you stay focused throughout the day.
Do you have any tips for creating a successful morning routine? Add them in the comments below!
About the Author:
Paulina Rojas is a native New Yorker, Paulina has spent the past two years reporting on the Eastern Coachella Valley. She joined Coachella Unincorporated in 2016. While it is different from the concrete jungle of Manhattan, she feels right at home in Coachella. In 2014 Paulinagraduated with a journalism degree from The University of Houston and is a member of The National Association of Hispanic Journalists. View her author page here.