Donations from the Women’s Southern California Golf Association (above) and professional golfer Lizzette Salas will be used to buy much-needed equipment and uniforms for the CVHS girls’ golf team (above). Photo Courtesy of CVHS GIRLS GOLF TEAM
THERMAL — What would you do with $5,000? What about $10,000?
The Coachella Valley High School (CVHS) girls’ golf team recently asked themselves these questions when they received a donation of $5,000 from the Women’s Southern California Golf Association (WSCGA) – which was matched with another $5,000 donation from professional golfer Lizzette Salas.
After hearing about the donations, coach Pete Zuniga said, “I was totally in shock and very humbled.”
Members of the team were also very thankful.
“I thought that it had been very generous of them, and it was also sort of inspiring for someone to donate the tools necessary for this sport,” said Annika Arrieta, member of the CVHS golf team. “It makes it a lot easier to enjoy this game.”
So what will the team do with the donated money?
The team is using the donations to pay for new equipment and uniforms. New members joining the Lady Arabs golf team will be welcomed with brand new equipment.
The team displayed their appreciation for WSCGA and Lizzette Salas on the day of the donation.
“We had a ceremony where they presented the check in front of teachers and students. We gave members of the association CVHS golf visors and coffee mugs as a token of appreciation,” said Zuniga.
These donations not only help provide the necessities for the sport, but also encourage members to join and stay. The impact will be felt for many years to come.
“I know that without this donation, we wouldn’t be so motivated to play this season,” said team member Kimberly Arellano Bravo. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my high school career playing girls golf.”