On Thursday, October 9, 2014 Coachella Unincorporated staff pledged to give up sugary drinks for one week. As part of their Rethink Your Drink initiative, the Regional Access Project Foundation encourages all Coachella Valley residents to choose water for themselves and their families. Photo: AMBER AMAYA/ Coachella Uninc.
Post 5 October 13, 2014
STAFF/ Coachella Uninc.
Johnny Flores / Student Reporter
Today I had the day off from school, and the temptation to indulge in sugary drinks was more prevalent than ever. Seeing as how I had nothing to do today, I gorged myself with various junk foods. However, none of this with a sugary drink to match. It’s not as great to have a bag of Doritos and not indulge in a soda to match. I do indeed miss sugary drinks, but I’m not going to cheat now. I’ve gotten this far and am not giving up.