
A Look at Three of Coachella’s Oldest Businesses

December 14, 2016 / By

Editor’s Note: This year marks the City of Coachella’s 70th anniversary. More than 100 years ago the area was undeveloped land in the Colorado River basin.

Overcoming Barriers to Citizenship in Farmworker Communities

November 8, 2016 / By
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By Paulina Rojas COACHELLA, Calif. — Magdalena Bentancourt has lived in the United States for 35 years but this November is the first time she has ever been able to vote.

Coachella Uninc. Weighs In: Dakota Access Pipeline Protest

November 3, 2016 / By
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Editor’s Note: Native residents from the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota are in a seven-month-long protest against the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline, an oil pipeline developed by Energy Transfer Partners.

Domestic Violence: It Can Happen to Anyone

October 21, 2016 / By

Editor’s Note: Incidents of domestic violence, like spousal abuse, are heavily underreported in the eastern Coachella Valley according to local advocates.

Catcalling Is Not a Compliment

October 20, 2016 / By

By Juliana Taboada I’d always wondered if my school was as safe as I thought it was.

I’m a Survivor, Let My Voice Be Heard

October 19, 2016 / By

By VD It was a sunny day and I was walking home from where the school bus dropped me off.