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A Letter to My Younger Self

May 4, 2017 / By

Author’s Note: I wrote this letter to myself because when I was younger I struggled just being myself.

What My Father’s Death Taught Me About Life

May 4, 2017 / By

By Michelle Contreras My father taught me that life is like a blooming flower. There’s a seed in the beginning, then at one point in its life cycle, it flourishes, spreading apart its petals.

Con Estas Manos

March 25, 2017 / By

Por Bryan Mendez Nota de Editora: Esta colección de fotos presentamos a  tres trabajadores agrícolas locales de tres comunidades diferentes en el Este Del Valle De Coachella.

With These Hands

March 25, 2017 / By

By Bryan Mendez Editor’s Note: This collection of photos features three local farmworkers from three different communities in the ECV.

Crece El Interés En Clases de Inglés

March 25, 2017 / By

Encima: Vicente Rodríguez y Olivia Vaquera están fuera de su casa en Thermal, California (Imagen: Olivia Rodriguez / Coachella Unincorporated) Por Paulina Rojas THERMAL, Calif.

Interest in English Language Courses Increases

March 25, 2017 / By

Above: Vicente Rodriguez and Olivia Vaquera stand outside their home in Thermal, Calif. (Image: Olivia Rodriguez/Coachella Unincorporated) By Paulina Rojas THERMAL, Calif.