By Rosa Gonzalez Andrade
I am on a journey of self-love, where I’m fighting myself. When I look in the mirror, I don’t see the same beauty I see on TV, the hourglass-shaped women with velvet like skin.
By: Guadalupe Sandoval
It’s 4:30 a.m. and I wake up to my little sister’s nudging. She’s used to waking up at this time and tenderly asks if I can put her hair into two ponytails today.
By Alondra Jimenez
Editor’s Note: Erika Castellanos, 22, is the youth coordinator and event coordinator for Raices Cultura, an art-based organization that provides a safe space for local youth in the Eastern Coachella Valley.
By Raymond P. Bondad
I don’t care how you refer to those members of society we consider wise—whether it’s “seniors,” “elders,” or a disrespectful term such as “old folks.”
The author’s sister, Julieta, making memelas for the family.
By Maricruz Cabrera, Coachella Unincorporated
The sides of my thumbs feel the burning sting as I gently dig through the soft dough of the homemade memelas.