Posts Tagged as "University of California"

UC President Urges State to Fund Expanded Enrollment

June 1, 2015 / By
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Editor’s Note: One of an occasional series of New America Media interviews with UC President Janet Napolitano.

University of California to Raise Tuition Over the Next Five Years

November 21, 2014 / By
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JOHNNY FLORES/Coachella Uninc. California—On Thursday November 20, the University of California Board of Regents adopted a plan that would increase tuition over the next five years if the UC system received no additional funding from the state.

Q&A: Napolitano On Diversity, Academics and the Undocumented at U.C.

November 15, 2013 / By
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[vimeo][/vimeo] Traducción al español PETER SCHURMANN & JACOB SIMAS/New America Media Ed. Note: In September former secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano took over as president of the University of California, the first-ever woman to hold that position.