Coachella Unincorporated reporters share their reflections on President Barack Obama’s recent announcement in support of gay marriage. Their responses are mixed, although as a group they favor gay marriage. They also share how their personal views on this issue are different or similar to those of their parents.
President Obama has been an icon of change and hope. His support on gay marriage helps me see him as a symbol of change for a better future and hope in equality for the gay community. My parents are very traditional Mexican Catholics that are very conservative when it comes to marriage. However, their thoughts have gradually changed due to the support my siblings and I have for our homosexual friends and loved ones. I have one particular friend that comes by my house often. My parents know how unaccepted he is in his own home, and I believe this is a reason my parents have opened their minds on gay rights. I know soon enough my parents will be fighting this struggle along with this country.
–Alejandra Alarcon, Coachella Valley High School
The world is ever changing, and you can either move with it or get lost. Homosexuality will be in this world whether you accept it or not. In my honest opinion, if President Obama supports gay marriage, so be it. Maybe it’s a political move just as if Mitt Romney were to choose Marco Rubio as a running mate to win over the Latino voters. Both my mother and father are okay with gay marriage. America is the land of the free, which is why people migrate in our direction. The homosexual community shouldn’t be limited to gay rights, they should share all human and civil rights.
— Raymond P. Bondad, College of the Desert
It is a bit of a relief to finally hear what the Commander in Chief has to say about a hot topic that continues to stir up heavy controversy. I believe marriage is sacred, but sacred to those who want to spend a lifetime together. No matter who it is. The President’s background is far from old-fashioned, so it came as little surprise to see him tell the world he is in support of gay marriage. My mother and father are in the same boat. Although my parents grew up in a time when LGBT individuals were not as accepted, they feel the same way I do.
— Ivan Delgado, College of the Desert
I do not support President Obama in his decision to support gay marriage. Marriage is a solemn commitment between a man and a woman. In allowing gay marriage, heterosexual marriage will not have any meaning. Furthermore, the legalization or even support of gay marriage will change the society in which we live. It will weaken the traditional family values that are essential to society. My views on gay marriage aren’t very different from those of my parents. My parents made a commitment to each other over 18 years ago and have kept this commitment. Marriage was intended for a man and woman and should stay that way.
— Johnny Flores, Xavier College Prep
When I first heard that President Obama was for gay marriage, I questioned if he was really supportive or if he wants to win over voters since Romney is against it. I am for gay marriage. I feel love is love. My family and I have the same perspective on love and that it has no gender. This is the world we live in, and everyone has the right to be in a civil marriage. I am not for discriminating anyone and never will.
— Santos Reyes, Coachella Valley High School
I was excited to hear President Obama’s recent support for same-sex marriage. Public support directly from the oval office is a step closer to achieving marriage equality. I don’t believe that the government holds jurisdiction over affairs of the heart, or to dictate who has the right to raise a family. But many, like my parents, still cling to a more conservative notion of marriage and aren’t very pleased by the announcement. Growing up in a Hispanic family it’s hard to separate religion from secular issues, and often, political opinions are still bound by old cultural prejudices.
— Aurora Saldivar, College of the Desert