COACHELLA, Calif. — Coachella Youth Sports Association President Rudy Gutierrez is leading the effort to revive the city’s inactive Parks and Recreation Commission. Interested community members are asked to attend the first meeting this Monday, August 20.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club, 85350 Bagdad Avenue.
“The idea is (for the commission) to be able to provide a safe place where parents and volunteers can go to with issues and ideas,” said Gutierrez, “such as offering technical training on coaching, volunteering, anger management, and parent orientations.”
According to Gutierrez, a Coachella resident and father of two young boys, the city currently has two football, two baseball and two soccer leagues for youth. He says the majority are staffed entirely by volunteers.
The planned discussion topics are the activation of the parks and recreation commission, youth development opportunities, and the possibility of Pony and Little League (CYSA) joining forces to form one program.
— Coachella Unincorporated