Volunteers Needed for Duroville Clean-Up March 30

March 26, 2013 /


Volunteers are needed for Riverside County's Duroville clean-up this Saturday, March 30. Photo: Aurora Saldivar/COACHELLA UNINCORPORATED

OASIS – Riverside County is partnering with Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services, LLC and community volunteers to lead a significant community clean-up to remove trash and prevent illegal dumping at Desert Mobile Home Park, known as Duroville, on Saturday, March 30.

From 8 a.m. to noon, residents will have the opportunity to leave their bulky trash items in front of their lot on the road for pick-up by Burrtec at no charge to them.

“As the last residents of Duroville prepare to move into new homes at Mountain View Estates, we are providing an opportunity to pick up items that are difficult to dispose of,” said Supervisor John J. Benoit. “I appreciate all the volunteer efforts coming forward to make the community a cleaner and safer place.”

In coordination with Tom Flynn, court-appointed receiver, the collaborative clean-up effort includes Burrtec, Supervisor Benoit, Riverside County’s Waste Management Department and Economic Development Agency and Rudy Gutierrez, South Coast Air Quality Management District Environmental Justice Advisory Group representative.

Items that will be accepted for pick-up include furniture, large appliances, tree limbs and branches, electronic waste and tires without rims. Industrial, business and household hazardous waste will not be accepted.

Youth from Supervisor Benoit’s C.L.E.A.N. (Community Leaders Enhancing Area Neighborhoods) Youth Force program will remove trash left at unoccupied lots recently vacated by residents. They will be joined by community volunteers organized by Gutierrez.

Participants from the Waste Management Department’s work-release program will focus on removing debris that has accumulated at the southern section of the park.

Supervisor Benoit will be thanking the volunteers for their hard work at 10 a.m. The volunteers will be served a lunch donated by Nachhattar Chandi, owner/operator of the Mecca Travel Center.

To join the volunteer effort, please contact Rudy Gutierrez at rgutierrez@kimco.com or  (760)481-5800.


-Staff report

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