Fight Summer Boredom in the ECV

June 10, 2013 /

The Boys & Girls Club in Mecca offers recreational opportunities for youth in the Eastern Coachella Valley.

The Boys & Girls Club in Mecca offers recreational opportunities for youth in the Eastern Coachella Valley.



Coachella Unincorporated got together with community members at their most recent editorial meeting to discuss summer opportunities for young people in the Eastern Coachella Valley.

Following is a compilation several activities and events for youth.

If you know of any others, please send them to us at



Bagdouma Park Pool

Open Memorial Day through Labor Day

Monday-Thursday:12-4 and 7-9

Friday:12-4 and 5-8

Saturday and Sunday 12-4

Swim lessons and scholarships available



Coachella Boxing Club

Bagdouma Park

(760) 398-5514


Movies at the Park:

Every Friday in the evening

Dateland Park


June 14-Madgascar 3

June 21-Kicking and Screaming

June 28-The Hunger Games

July 5-Rise of the Guardians

July 12-Men in Black 3

July 19-Wreck it Ralph

July 26-Paranorman


Karate Classes at Bagdouma Community Center

June 4-August 30

Tuesday and Friday 6-7

Ages 4-14

$35 a month


Zumba Classes at Bagdouma Community Center

June 4-August 29

Tuesday and Thursday 7-8

Ages 14 and up

$25 a month


Summer Day Camp at Bagdouma Community Center

June 17-June 28

July 1-July 19

July 22-August 9

Monday-Friday 7:30AM-5:30PM

June 17-June 2-$160

July 1-July 19-$240

July 22-August 9-$240

Financial Assistance is available

Coachella Residents can pay 10% of the total fees if they income qualify



Little League Baseball

Come out and play every Thursday and Friday from 6-9 at Bagdouma Park

Ages 12-18

Contact Rudy Gutierrez, (760) 481-5800


Challenger Division

Come out and volunteer with the Challenger Division

Every Friday 6-9

Bagdouma Park

All Ages Welcome

Contact Rudy Gutierrez (760) 481-5800


Boys and Girls Club of Coachella

85350 Bagdad Ave, Coachella, CA 92236

760-398-5287 phone

760-398-8468 fax


School days

2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m. for teens)

Summer session

7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.



Boys and Girls Club of Mecca

91391 66th Avenue, Mecca, CA 92254

760-396-2380 phone

760-396-0260 fax


School days

2:00  – 7:00 p.m.

Summer session

7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Raices Youth Action Team


Submit application to Raices Cultura

P.O. Box 714

Coachella, CA 92236


Erika Ramirez-Youth Coordinator:

Applications available at Raices 1494 Sixth Street, Coachella, California 92236



– Compiled by Johnny Flores, Jr.

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