A CV Link rendering shows a mid-valley section of the proposed 52-mile multipurpose trail from Palm Springs to Coachella. Photo: CVAG
BRENDA R. RINCON/Coachella Uninc
COACHELLA – Eastern Coachella Valley residents will have the opportunity to view the latest plans and offer their feedback to CV Link project managers at a community meeting Thursday, December 5.
The meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. at Coachella City Hall, 1515 Sixth St.
“Without an interest from the Eastern Coachella Valley community, a valleywide, multi-million dollar project will move forward without input from its residents,” said Tizoc DeAztlan, a project consultant to Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), the lead agency.
CV Link is a proposed 52-mile multipurpose trail that would run along the Whitewater River, from Palm Springs to Coachella, providing a continuous pathway for pedestrians, bicyclists, and low-speed electric vehicles.
This is the first, and perhaps only, meeting CVAG will hold in Coachella. DeAztlan urges ECV residents to make their voices heard.
“With an abundance of active youth and environmental challenges that need to be mitigated in Coachella, a great case could be made to have the project start on the eastside, bringing with it jobs and economic development,” he said. “Residents need to be engaged to secure these interests.”
Eastern Coachella Valley youth, in particular, have a lot to gain.
“This project will transform open and recreational use space in the Coachella Valley for generations to come,” said DeAztlan. “Thursday’s community meeting provides a unique opportunity for youth to shape the future of their valley. It’s an opportunity they should not miss.”
Scheduled speakers include Tom Kirk and Michael Shoberg of CVAG and Mayor Eduardo Garcia.
Community members will receive the latest project status, view renderings and maps, and meet directly with the project management team. They are encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback on the project and design.
CVAG estimates the project may cost approximately $80 million and 10 years to complete all phases. More than $65 million has already been raised. About $17 million was funded by AB1318 emission-mitigation fees from the Sentinel Energy Project. This fund is for solely for environmentally friendly projects within the Coachella Valley. AB 1318 is also funding a paved road project in the trailer parks of the unincorporated Eastern Coachella Valley.
Visit the CV Link website for more project information.