Líderes Campesinas won the top prize of $25,000 at RAP Foundation’s Fast Pitch competition. Photo: Courtesy of RAP Foundation
Líderes Campesinas: Empowering Female Farm Workers
Why Lideres Campesinas Shone Brightly in 2013
Líderes Campesinas made big news in October when, led by executive director Suguet Lopez, they won the top prize in Regional Access Project Foundation’s Fast Pitch Competition.
The nonprofit will apply the $25,000 award toward their campaign of developing women leaders and bringing awareness to the unique issues faced by female farm workers.
Líderes Campesinas is dedicated to making female farm workers more aware about various issues including transportation, pesticide exposure, sexual and domestic violence, and sexually transmitted diseases.
Highlights of 2013
“There are a lot of highlights this past year. Just last week, we received an award from the City of Coachella, recognizing our activism. This is definitely an important milestone because it shows that we are making progress and bringing visibility to the Eastern Coachella Valley,” said Lopez. “Another highlight of 2013 is being able to educate over 1,000 women about various issues. Some of our other highlights include being approved for a grant from the Allstate Foundation that will be used for literacy courses for women. These classes should become available in February or March of 2014. Finally, Kaiser Permanente has just approved a project in which they will help inform women about sexually transmitted diseases.”
Biggest Lesson Learned in 2013
“I think the biggest thing we learned this year occurred during the Fast Pitch. Being able to see the reaction of the people in attendance and being able to see the impact we have on people is a big thing. This year has also been an opportunity to reevaluate the work we have done and help gain more interest in what we are currently doing,” said Lopez.
Goals for 2014
“One of our goals is to take a more systematic approach in terms of the work we do and to be able to more clearly identify the other clients we are serving and impacting. Also to evaluate the ways we are impacting ourselves and evaluate our work. By reevaluating our work, we will in turn be able boost our work ethic and be able to participate in more fundraisers, possibly hire some interns, and gain more members,” said Lopez.
Learn more about the work Lideres Campesinas is doing in the community here.
– JOHNNY FLORES JR/Coachella Uninc