North Shore ACA Enrollment Fair and Women’s Health Clinic Jan. 25

January 24, 2014 /

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NORTH SHORE – Affordable Care Act (ACA) healthcare enrollment assistance will be available to Eastern Coachella Valley residents on Saturday, January 25, at the North Shore Yacht Club, 99155 Sea View Drive. The event begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m.

The event is part of a yearlong project of Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC), in partnership with the Borrego Community Health Foundation and local congregations, to educate and inform families about the benefits of ACA.

According to ICUC, more than 53 percent of households in North Shore make $15,000 or less annually.

“If these organizations do not bring these services to us, we would never have access to them,” said Eufracia Penalosa, an ICUC leader.

Borrego Health will also be giving free mammograms and pap smears to women. These are the first steps in a campaign to bring a clinic to the community of North Shore.

The UC Davis study, Revealing the Invisible Coachella Valley, recently concluded that North Shore’s “doctor-to-resident ratio is more than 4 times below the federally recommended level.”

These enrollment events are part of a statewide effort led by PICO California with the goal of reaching over 60,000 low income Californians with the good news of health reform. In just 3 months, PICO California organizations have hosted 6 events in which they reached over 10,000 individuals.

This is the last community event in Riverside County.


Information: Karen Borja, ICUC organizer, at (760)396-6688 or

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