Johnny Flores, a Coachella Uninc. student reporter, is participating in the Por Vida six-week training program to get ready for the Run with Los Muertos on Nov. 1, 2014. Here, Flores is pictured at the first Run with Los Muertos 5k last year. Photo: Coachella Uninc.
Entry 1 – September 23, 2014
JOHNNY FLORES/Coachella Uninc
I was ecstatic when I was presented with the opportunity to run a 5K and write about my experiences for Coachella Unincorporated.
Shortly after, however, I realized how much work and dedication that would entail. After some serious contemplation, I decided to sign up for the Second Annual Run With Los Muertos.
The first thing I did was sign up for “Por Vida,” the Live Well Clinic’s intensive six-week training program to prepare for the run. It is designed to promote fitness and, well, to help people like me get in shape for the race, which takes place November 1 in Coachella. (The program is free with your $32 race fee.)
As part of “Por Vida,” I took the health test at the Live Well Clinic and was pleased with my starting point.
The training program, which takes place once a week at a local high school, started September 20 and will end with a sushi get-together the night before in honor or our training trials and tribulations.
I have never done a 5K before, however, I think Run with Los Muertos is a great first race. The race takes place on Dia de Los Muertos, a deeply rooted tradition in our culture that celebrates the loved ones we have lost. The race organizers ask participants the important question, “Who will you run for?”
What better reason to run, than in memory of a loved one? I have elected to run in honor or my Great-Uncle Genaro, who passed away not too long ago after a battle with cancer. My Uncle Genaro always knew how to make everyone smile and was truly a light in this world. My family and I miss him with each passing day and, come November 1, I will honor his memory.
I hope you will join me and run in honor of a loved one. More information is available here.
This week’s Por Vida training will take place at 7 a.m. Saturday, September 27, at Shadow Hills High School. Hope to see you there!