On Thursday, October 9, 2014 Coachella Unincorporated staff pledged to give up sugary drinks for one week. As part of their Rethink Your Drink initiative, the Regional Access Project Foundation encourages all Coachella Valley residents to choose water for themselves and their families. Photo: AMBER AMAYA/ Coachella Uninc.
Post 2 October 10, 2014
STAFF/ Coachella Uninc.
Ivan Valenzuela / Student Reporter
After my first full day of not having any sugary drinks, I did feel pretty good about myself. I’m a pretty busy guy so I tend to live off of a mix of sweet teas, sugar-filled coffees, and orange juice. It’s a lot of each really.
Unfortunately, I don’t make too much time for water. It’s not as accessible as I’d like it to be, but mostly I just don’t go out of my way for something if it doesn’t satisfy my taste buds. Do I think that water is lame? No, It’s actually quite nice to drink right after I’ve brushed my teeth. Other than that, I only really drink it when I’m tired or when I’m out of sweet tea.
Today though, I decided that I would make better choices, and not just doing my laundry early. I decided to take sugar out of my drinking diet.
On my first day, I switched out my sweet teas with just regular unsweetened iced tea. I made my coffee with only creamer and I cut out the morning sugar-filled orange juice. Most importantly though, I started drinking more water.
So how did I go? It was good I guess. I really like the idea. Unsweetened Iced tea actually taste great, but I’m assuming this is going to take more than a week to really see how this is going to help me. Until then I’ll just keep posting.
Johnny Flores / Student Reporter
I thought it would be easy to give up sugary beverages and boy was I wrong — today felt like no ordinary day.
Everywhere I turned it felt like these beverages were haunting me, wanting me to consume them, waiting. However, I was able to perservere and opt for water instead. However, it was very hard to do so seeing as my parents bought some brand new juice-related products for us to try out. At this point, I’m not sure if I’ll break. Sugary drinks are a nice kick to your day and complement meals very well. I never thought it’d be this hard to give them up
Maria Garcia / Student Reporter
Today was a bit more difficult, especially because in the morning I am used to taking some kind of coffee to school. I was ok, until maybe around lunch because I had a class party and the main drinks were soda and juice. I was a bit worried until our teacher also mentioned there were water bottles. I think I did okay throughout the day. I even made fruit water with an orange that I had at home.
Tags: Coachella, Coachella Unincorported, Rethink Your Drink, Water