On Thursday, October 9, 2014 Coachella Unincorporated staff pledged to give up sugary drinks for one week. As part of their Rethink Your Drink initiative, the Regional Access Project Foundation encourages all Coachella Valley residents to choose water for themselves and their families. Photo: AMBER AMAYA/ Coachella Uninc.
Post 4 October 12, 2014
STAFF/ Coachella Uninc.
Maria Garcia / Student Reporter
What is there to say about day four? Well, I found myself drinking more water than I usually drink, and that surprised me a bit. Drinking more water made a little sick too, though. I think I’ll have to rethink how much water I drink at a time.
Amber Amaya / Youth Media Coordinator
I still haven’t had any sugary drinks. But I have been drinking espresso and water — I’m so glad Americanos have zero grams of sugar. I almost slipped up today at Starbucks when I ordered a Vanilla Latte, but I quickly changed my order when I remembered my week-long pledge. I’m proud of students for giving up sugary drinks for a week. They’re all doing so well! We have four more days to go!
Editor’s Note: This blog is part of a series on the Rethink Your Drink initiative supported by the Regional Access Project Foundation.