On Thursday, October 9, 2014 Coachella Unincorporated staff pledged to give up sugary drinks for one week. As part of their Rethink Your Drink initiative, the Regional Access Project Foundation encourages all Coachella Valley residents to choose water for themselves and their families. Photo: AMBER AMAYA/ Coachella Uninc.
Post 7 October 15, 2014
STAFF / Coachella Uninc.
Johnny Flores / Student Reporter
Today was the final day of no sugary beverages. While I certainly am excited to dive back into the world of sugary drinks, I hope to do so in moderation.
If anything, this week has taught me that you don’t need sugary beverages to function, and in many cases, water will do just fine.
This last week, my family did ask me why I wasn’t drinking any type of sugar-filled beverage during meals. I told them that I was “rethinking” my drink for the entire week, and instead of drinking soda and juice, I would have to make do with just water.
A few days into the week-long challenge, I did feel a little sluggish. However, after a while, my body adapted to the lack of sugary beverages — my mind did not. And I was tempted many times throughout the week.
All in all, I think it is important that young people drink sugary beverages in moderation. It’s a bit of a challenge, but a it is challenge that is worthwhile.
Maria Garcia / Student Reporter
I can only describe today as incredibly tiring. More so than any usual day. A nap felt incredibly refreshing. Today, day 7, wasn’t bad. Although, I probably could have done something better to not feel so tired. I don’t think drinking water would have been entirely helpful, but it may have helped for the most part.
When I first started giving up sugary drinks last week, my parents didn’t really question it. Even my friends didn’t think of it too oddly. Right now, I’ve never felt as refreshed, because although soda can relieve your thirst, it only does so for a certain amount of time.
I think it is important that soda be consumed in moderation because we never know what could happen to our body. I’ll probably end up doing research on the effects of sugary drinks to further my knowledge about things that can happen if you take in large amounts of soda.
Giving up sugary drinks was fun, for the most part,
Editor’s Note: This blog is part of a series on the Rethink Your Drink initiative supported by the Regional Access Project Foundation.