Coachella Unincorporated

Posts by Coachella Unincorporated:

LGBTQI Youth Find Support at Coachella Gay Straight Alliance Summit

February 29, 2016 / By
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Feature photo updated at 2:48 p.m. By Paulina Rojas Being a teenager can be hard, but being a teenager who is questioning their sexual identity can be even harder.

Q&A: ‘Living Library’ Keeps Cahuilla Culture Alive

February 29, 2016 / By
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By Olivia Rodriguez Editor’s Note: Luisa M. Armijo is the education and library director at the Torres Martinez Reservation in Thermal, Calif.

Coachella Youth Lead Conversation on Mental Health and Violence

February 19, 2016 / By
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By: Paulina Rojas Palm Desert, Calif. — Students from the Coachella Valley High School health academy and the school’s Active Minds club hosted a conversation about mental health and violence in America on Thursday night at the Cal State San Bernardino, Palm Desert Campus.

‘Know your Rights’ En Español

January 19, 2016 / By

We’Ced Youth Media, Posted: Jan 19, 2016 Editor’s Note: In an effort to keep our communities safe and informed, We’Ced Youth Media has partnered with local Immigration Attorney Carolina Castañeda to publish a ‘Know your Rights’ guide in Spanish.

Calif. Bill Would Fund Trauma and Mental Health Services for Students

January 19, 2016 / By
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New America Media, News Report, Viji Sundaram, Posted: Jan 15, 2016 California schools will once again be able to offer mental health programs for students in kindergarten and grades one to three who are struggling with anxiety and other trauma or stress related symptoms, if a bill introduced in the legislature earlier this week passes.

Iowa Blog: Our Last Day in Des Moines

January 19, 2016 / By
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Day 4 “Today was my last day in Iowa campaigning with Mikva Challenge students. Although I had a lot of fun, I am ready to go home.

Iowa Blog: Feel the Bern and Selfies with Rubio

January 17, 2016 / By

Day 3 “Today was an extremely busy day. I woke up at 6:00 am, ate breakfast and headed to Senator Marco Rubio’s rally.

Iowa Blog: Cruz 101 and Phone Banking

January 16, 2016 / By
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Day 2 “Waking up in Iowa this morning was a surreal experience. I was excited for today because I knew I would find out which candidate’s campaign I would be working with for the rest of the weekend.  

Iowa Blog: First Time Flyers and Snow

January 15, 2016 / By
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Editor’s Note: With the Iowa caucus just weeks away, Coachella Uninc. youth reporters Karla Martinez and Naomi Carrion traveled to Iowa to join groups of students from Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington D.C.