Coachella Unincorporated

Posts by Coachella Unincorporated:

The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 7: Attrition

October 25, 2011 / By
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Entry 7: Attrition [uh-trish-uh n] I read an article on titled “Attrition Through Enforcement is the True Middle-Ground for Enforcement,” that argued that the new anti-immigration strategy is not deportation en mass but the creation of a culture so hostile towards immigrants that they will willingly return to their country of origin.
UFW March Across California

Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 6: Peregrinación

September 26, 2011 / By
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ENTRY 6 On August 23, the United Farm Workers embarked on a 200-mile, 13-day march that wound through the streets of California to pressure Governor Jerry Brown to pass the Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Now Act, or SB 126, a bill that would make it easier for farm workers to unionize.

Coachella Poised to Reach New Horizons

June 28, 2011 / By
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By Aurora Saldivar, COACHELLA UNINCORPORATED Mayor Eduardo Garcia seems to be putting his youth and vitality to work in sparking some new life back into the city of Coachella.