Coachella Unincorporated

Posts by Coachella Unincorporated:

Why Young Latinos in Rural California Support Sanders

January 13, 2016 / By
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By Olivia Rodriguez Editor’s Note: With the Iowa caucus just weeks away, recent poll numbers suggest Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is giving his rival Hillary Clinton a run for her money.

Letter To My Sikh Son: Be Proud of Your Identity

January 12, 2016 / By

New America Media, News Report, Jaskaran Singh, Posted: Jan 11, 2016 Editor’s Note: Bay Area resident Jaskaran Singh is dismayed that Sikhs in the U.S.

A ‘Safe House’ for Human Trafficking Victims in the Coachella Valley

January 12, 2016 / By
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By Christian Mendez Coachella, Calif. — In Riverside County, the human trafficking industry thrives, thanks in part to the accessibility of freeways connecting the area to major cities like Los Angeles and San Diego.

Q & A: Clínicas del Este del Valle de Coachella Trabajan para Inscribir a Familias en #Health4All Kids (Salud Para Todos los Niños)

January 8, 2016 / By
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Por: Amanda Flores Nota del Editor: A partir de mayo, California se convertirá en el quinto y más grande estado que proporcionara cuidado de salud a niños indocumentados de familias de bajos ingresos a través del sistema de salud estatal, Medi-Cal.

Q&A: ECV Clinics Work to Enroll Families in #Health4All Kids

January 8, 2016 / By
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By Amanda Flores Ed. Note: Beginning in May, California will become the fifth and largest state to provide healthcare to undocumented children from low-income families through the state healthcare system, Medi-Cal.

The Best Gift My Parents Ever Gave Me

December 24, 2015 / By
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By: Naomi Carrion Editor’s Note: According to a study by the Pew Research Center, the number of young Latinos enrolled in a two- or four-year college has more than tripled over the past ten years.

Residents Pray for Clean Water and Air at Annual Virgen de Guadalupe Procession

December 15, 2015 / By
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By: Naomi Carrion and Maria Garcia Thermal, Calif. — Residents from Thermal, Mecca, Coachella and Oasis gathered Saturday afternoon to walk in the fifth annual Virgen de Guadalupe procession at the San Jose Community Center in Thermal, Calif.

Eastern Coachella Valley Youth Speak Out Against Islamophobia

December 14, 2015 / By
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Editor’s Note: On Friday, a mosque in Coachella was targeted by what reports are calling a firebomb.

It’s Tough Being a ‘Sneakerhead’

December 4, 2015 / By
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By Luis Lua I am a proud sneakerhead. Sneakers, or as some call them, ‘sport shoes,’ are stylish, expressive and collectable.