
Johnny’s Race Blog: Proving Them Wrong

November 2, 2014 / By

Entry 7 – November 1, 2014 JOHNNY FLORES / Coachella Uninc. Coachella — Tonight is the night.

Johnny’s Race Blog: Getting Ready For Saturday

October 30, 2014 / By

Entry 6 – October 29, 2014 JOHNNY FLORES / Coachella Uninc. Saturday was the final Por Vida training session for the 2014 Dia de los Muertos 5K.

Johnny’s Race Blog: Not Giving Up

October 22, 2014 / By
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Entry 5 — October 22, 2014 JOHNNY FLORES / Coachella Uninc. Saturday was the second to last session of the Por Vida 5K training program.

Rethinking Our Drinks: Moving Forward With Moderation

October 16, 2014 / By
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Post 7 October 15, 2014 STAFF / Coachella Uninc. Johnny Flores / Student Reporter Today was the final day of no sugary beverages.

Rethinking Our Drinks: No Sugar At School

October 15, 2014 / By
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Post 6 October 14, 2014 STAFF/ Coachella Uninc. Johnny Flores / Student  Reporter After resisting temptation all day on my day off yesterday, I was able to make it through the entire school day on Tuesday without having an urge to drink any sugary beverages.

Johnny’s Race Blog: Reflecting While Training Solo

October 15, 2014 / By
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Entry 4 – October 15, 2014 JOHNNY FLORES JR/Coachella Uninc This week I was unable to attend the weekly Por Vida training session due to a school conflict, but I made sure to train on my own so I can be ready for the Second Annual Run With Los Muertos on November 1.