
Rethinking Our Drinks: Moving Forward With Moderation

October 16, 2014 / By
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Post 7 October 15, 2014 STAFF / Coachella Uninc. Johnny Flores / Student Reporter Today was the final day of no sugary beverages.

Youth Present ECV Projects at American Planning Association Conference

October 9, 2014 / By
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AMBER AMAYA/ Coachella Uninc. Updated October 13, 2014 9:30 a.m. Coachella — A smile grows on Jacqueline Aguilar’s face when she talks about local art and her community. 

Youth Lead the Way in Voter Registration

September 23, 2014 / By

KARLA MARTINEZ/ Coachella Uninc. COACHELLA, Calif. — College juniors Neftali Galarza and Nayeli Figueroa spent their summer vacation trekking large swaths of farmland, hoping to speak with eastern Coachella Valley residents in their homes.

Flooding in Mecca causes problems for crops and children

September 9, 2014 / By

  Mecca — Coachella Unincorporated was in Mecca, Calif. Monday, September 8, as the Coachella Valley was under flash flood warning due to a storm caused by Hurricane Norbert.

Connecting Without the Internet: My three weeks in Mexico

August 26, 2014 / By
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MARIA GARCIA/Coachella Unincorporated The life of a teenager revolves around the Internet. So imagine how I felt when I went on a family trip for three weeks to a place without Internet — a small town in Michoacan, Mexico.

Regional Access Project Foundation brings infused waters to Mecca

August 22, 2014 / By
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  IVAN VALENZUELA and AMBER AMAYA/Coachella Uninc Mecca — As part of their Rethink Your Drink initiative, the Regional Access Project Foundation created infused waters for Mecca residents at a Movies In The Park event on Thursday, July 31.