By Joseph Avila / Coachella Unincorporated
Author’s Note: The sun shone bright against a bleach blue sky when I met up with Ruth Garcia (They/Them/Theirs), a close friend and 24 year old queer non-binary resident of Coachella.
By Olivia Rodriguez
Our communities are under attack, and our safety is threatened. Our communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley are vulnerable because there’s already a lack of safe spaces and resources for our immigrant community.
By Juliana Taboada
With school starting so soon, I feel that as students it’s very easy for us to forget the importance of prioritizing our well being.
By Paulina Rojas
Summer is finally upon us and that means every makeup lover is asking themselves the same question, “How do I make my makeup last longer?”
By Berania Barraza
Editor’s Note: Coachella Uninc. youth reporter, Berania Barraza uses media to uplift stories from her community, the Eastern Coachella Valley.