
A Letter To Mi Gente

January 20, 2017 / By

To mi gente, Never did I ever believe we’d be in this situation again. But bigotry has made a stronger comeback than before, rising up and reclaiming all the progress we’ve made.

Don’t Revoke DACA, Give ‘Dreamers’ A Chance

January 17, 2017 / By
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By Leydy Rangel Bad grades or disorderly conduct may be the reason why high school seniors are not allowed to walk the graduation ceremony, but this was not the case for a senior at my old high school.

Coachella Uninc. Weighs In: Dakota Access Pipeline Protest

November 3, 2016 / By
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Editor’s Note: Native residents from the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota are in a seven-month-long protest against the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline, an oil pipeline developed by Energy Transfer Partners.

Coachella Uninc. Weighs In: Ending Violence Against Women

October 22, 2016 / By

Editor’s Note: This week we’ve been exploring what violence against women looks like in our community.

Catcalling Is Not a Compliment

October 20, 2016 / By

By Juliana Taboada I’d always wondered if my school was as safe as I thought it was.

I’m a Survivor, Let My Voice Be Heard

October 19, 2016 / By

By VD It was a sunny day and I was walking home from where the school bus dropped me off.