New America Media, First Person, Various Authors, Posted: Dec 04, 2014
Above:Residents of Bakersfield protested last May on the one-year anniversary of the death of David Silva.
Coachella, Calif. — Allex Luna, a community organizer for Inland Congregations United for Change, has worked with local youth and families for several years.
NATALIA CERVANTES / Coachella Uninc.
Coachella — Today is Halloween. Pumpkins, ghosts, witches and ghouls are just a few things that come to mind when thinking of this day — And don’t forget the free candy.
MARIA GARCIA/Coachella Unincorporated
The life of a teenager revolves around the Internet.
So imagine how I felt when I went on a family trip for three weeks to a place without Internet — a small town in Michoacan, Mexico.