By Joseph Avila / Coachella Unincorporated
Author’s Note: The sun shone bright against a bleach blue sky when I met up with Ruth Garcia (They/Them/Theirs), a close friend and 24 year old queer non-binary resident of Coachella.
By Berania Barraza
Editor’s Note: Coachella Uninc. youth reporter, Berania Barraza uses media to uplift stories from her community, the Eastern Coachella Valley.
By Luis Ceja Abrica
I’ve felt grief. I’ve felt hatred. And I’ve felt self-doubt. I’m only 18 but I feel like I’ve already gone through the hardest part of my life.
By: Guadalupe Sandoval
It’s 4:30 a.m. and I wake up to my little sister’s nudging. She’s used to waking up at this time and tenderly asks if I can put her hair into two ponytails today.
By Michelle Contreras
My father taught me that life is like a blooming flower. There’s a seed in the beginning, then at one point in its life cycle, it flourishes, spreading apart its petals.