Youth Narrative

Lenguas del Valle: Growing up queer, checking boxes and visions of the future

October 18, 2019 / By

By Joseph Avila / Coachella Unincorporated Author’s Note: The sun shone bright against a bleach blue sky when I met up with Ruth Garcia (They/Them/Theirs), a close friend and 24 year old queer non-binary resident of Coachella.

Fighting for My Community, One Video at a Time

June 18, 2017 / By

By Berania Barraza Editor’s Note: Coachella Uninc. youth reporter, Berania Barraza uses media to uplift stories from her community, the Eastern Coachella Valley.

The Tough Road to Finding My Strength

June 18, 2017 / By

By Luis Ceja Abrica I’ve felt grief. I’ve felt hatred. And I’ve felt self-doubt. I’m only 18 but I feel like I’ve already gone through the hardest part of my life.

In This Desert Nobody Is a Stranger

June 18, 2017 / By

By: Guadalupe Sandoval It’s 4:30 a.m. and I wake up to my little sister’s nudging. She’s used to waking up at this time and tenderly asks if I can put her hair into two ponytails today.

A Letter to My Younger Self

May 4, 2017 / By

Author’s Note: I wrote this letter to myself because when I was younger I struggled just being myself.

What My Father’s Death Taught Me About Life

May 4, 2017 / By

By Michelle Contreras My father taught me that life is like a blooming flower. There’s a seed in the beginning, then at one point in its life cycle, it flourishes, spreading apart its petals.