Youth Narrative

A Letter To Mi Gente

January 20, 2017 / By

To mi gente, Never did I ever believe we’d be in this situation again. But bigotry has made a stronger comeback than before, rising up and reclaiming all the progress we’ve made.

Don’t Revoke DACA, Give ‘Dreamers’ A Chance

January 17, 2017 / By
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By Leydy Rangel Bad grades or disorderly conduct may be the reason why high school seniors are not allowed to walk the graduation ceremony, but this was not the case for a senior at my old high school.

Catcalling Is Not a Compliment

October 20, 2016 / By

By Juliana Taboada I’d always wondered if my school was as safe as I thought it was.

I’m a Survivor, Let My Voice Be Heard

October 19, 2016 / By

By VD It was a sunny day and I was walking home from where the school bus dropped me off.

Celebrating AB1066 – ‘It’s About Time’ Farmworkers Get Overtime Pay

September 12, 2016 / By
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Above: Image by Christian Mendez/Coachella Unincorporated By Leydy Rangel Children of farmworkers grow up seeing their parents wake up before sunrise, just early enough to make lunch, pack it and drive as far as it takes to get to work.

Youth Voices: What a Game of Tag Taught Me About Health

May 10, 2016 / By

By: Alondra Jimenez It was hot and humid, and I was playing my favorite game of tag during recess.