Posts Tagged as "UFW"

The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 12: UFW Celebrates 50 Years of Success

May 25, 2012 / By
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The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 12: UFW Celebrates 50 Years of Success The United Farm Workers of America celebrated its 50th anniversary last week during its 19th national convention in Bakersfield, California.

Joaquín Magón: Remembering César

April 1, 2012 / By
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    The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 11: Remembering César I never met César. The opportunity to shake his hand or hear him speak in person is not one that I had.
UFW March Across California

The Diary Of Joaquín Magón Entry 10: Why Does it Have to be this Way?

February 13, 2012 / By
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It’s ironic that those who till the soil, cultivate and harvest the fruits, vegetables, and other foods that fill your tables with abundance have nothing left for themselves.”

The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 7: Attrition

October 25, 2011 / By
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Entry 7: Attrition [uh-trish-uh n] I read an article on titled “Attrition Through Enforcement is the True Middle-Ground for Enforcement,” that argued that the new anti-immigration strategy is not deportation en mass but the creation of a culture so hostile towards immigrants that they will willingly return to their country of origin.
UFW March Across California

Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 6: Peregrinación

September 26, 2011 / By
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ENTRY 6 On August 23, the United Farm Workers embarked on a 200-mile, 13-day march that wound through the streets of California to pressure Governor Jerry Brown to pass the Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Now Act, or SB 126, a bill that would make it easier for farm workers to unionize.

Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 5

August 8, 2011 / By
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The Diary of Joaquín Magón-Entry 5 The State of California recently announced its decision to investigate the causes behind the recent deaths of farm workers this year.

The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 4

July 21, 2011 / By
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Reactions to the Veto SB 104 from Sacramento We’ve been in a struggle that has tested every inch of my abilities and patience.

The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 3

June 17, 2011 / By
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Entry 3: Dis·ci·pline My writing process is painstakingly undisciplined: I walk around and say “I’m going to sit down and write!

The Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 2

June 2, 2011 / By
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Entry 2 – The 50,000 Card Push Sacramento. Two Hundred farm workers watch the assembly pass SB 104, a law that will greatly ease the process of unionizing a company by eliminating the scare tactics used to instill fear and insecurity in the workers.