Posts Tagged as "United Farm Workers"

UFW March Across California

The Diary Of Joaquín Magón Entry 10: Why Does it Have to be this Way?

February 13, 2012 / By
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It’s ironic that those who till the soil, cultivate and harvest the fruits, vegetables, and other foods that fill your tables with abundance have nothing left for themselves.”

The Diary Of Joaquín Magón Entry 9: La Nueva Cosecha

January 20, 2012 / By
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  The Diary Of Joaquín Magón Entry 9: La Nueva Cosecha Have you ever wondered about the gap between farm workers and their children?

The Diary Of Joaquín Magón Entry 8: Casas de Cartón

November 10, 2011 / By
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The Diary Of Joaquín Magón: Casas de Carton Entry 8 Alfredo lives in a tool shed.
UFW March Across California

Diary of Joaquín Magón Entry 6: Peregrinación

September 26, 2011 / By
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ENTRY 6 On August 23, the United Farm Workers embarked on a 200-mile, 13-day march that wound through the streets of California to pressure Governor Jerry Brown to pass the Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Now Act, or SB 126, a bill that would make it easier for farm workers to unionize.