By Juliana Taboada
With school starting so soon, I feel that as students it’s very easy for us to forget the importance of prioritizing our well being.
Editor’s Note: Last month, Senate Republicans ultimately voted to reject a proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as ‘Obamacare.’
By Paulina Rojas
COACHELLA, Calif. — On a warm summer night the sound of shoes clacking on the floor radiated from the clubhouse at Las Palmeras Estates, a group of low-income housing units in Coachella.
By Paulina Rojas
Summer is finally upon us and that means every makeup lover is asking themselves the same question, “How do I make my makeup last longer?”
By Berania Barraza
Editor’s Note: Coachella Uninc. youth reporter, Berania Barraza uses media to uplift stories from her community, the Eastern Coachella Valley.
Por Guadalupe Sandoval
Nota del Autor: Todos estamos conscientes del peligro que los inmigrantes enfrentan al cruzar la frontera para venir a los Estados Unidos.
By Luis Ceja Abrica
I’ve felt grief. I’ve felt hatred. And I’ve felt self-doubt. I’m only 18 but I feel like I’ve already gone through the hardest part of my life.
By: Guadalupe Sandoval
It’s 4:30 a.m. and I wake up to my little sister’s nudging. She’s used to waking up at this time and tenderly asks if I can put her hair into two ponytails today.